
House 2 (Kastanienweg 4) has a fully equipped fitness room in the basement. There you can train with a variety of equipment and weights.

In order to use the fitness room, you must be a member of KawoEins e.V. and register for the use of the room. There is no fee for room usage right now.

In order to provide a pleasant atmosphere for others, please leave the room as you found it. Turn off the music and lights and close all windows and doors.

How to use the room

The booking of the room is regulated via the self-service page. The corresponding option appears there after activation by a Fitness-AG member. In order to be activated for the use of the room, contact the Fitness-AG via the contact form.

To open the room, an appointment must be booked in self-service. The option to unlock the door then appears there and the door can be opened by pressing down the door handle. Unlocking is possible throughout the booked period.

After leaving the room, turn the lights off and close the door. Please make sure to leave the room in a tidy condition!


The gym team (Fitness-AG) at KawoEins e.V. is responsible of the following:

  • Access to the fitness room
  • Equipment
  • New purchases
  • Replacements and repairs
  • Maintenance

If you have any questions about the fitness room or would like to get in touch with the Fitness-AG, please use the contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Der Knopf zum Entriegeln kann während des gesamten gebuchten Zeitraums betätigt werden, auch mehrmals. Dementsprechend kann die Tür erneut entriegelt werden.

Der Fitnessraum befindet sich in Haus 2, Kastanienweg 4 im oberen Keller. Um dort hin zu gelangen gehst du vom Aufzug im Erdgeschoss eine Treppe nach unten und betrittst den Flur auf der linken Seite. Diesem Gang folgst du bis du den Fitnessraum auf der rechten Seite findest.