Game Nights and Rental

Game Nights

Our game night is held regularly every two weeks on Wednesdays at 8 pm.

Game Rental

To borrow a game you have to pay a deposit of 10 Euro per game. Games may be borrowed until the next game night at the longest.

If a game is not returned three days after the agreed deadline, a penalty fee of 2.00 Euros must be paid.

One week after the deadline, this penalty fee increases by 2.00 Euro for each additional day.

Games Club

The games club (Spiele-AG) at KawoEins e.V. organizes regular game nights, and we also lend games from our inventory.

Please do not send us any questions regarding your prepaid account or your membership. Those are the concerns of the KaWoEins e.V. board.

Want to borrow a game? Reach out to us using the contact form.